New OOAKs are In Stock!

We just dropped a whole bunch of new one-of-a-kind pieces today. Well, new to you, anyway. 

Last week, we did the thing we love so much to do—inventory. I’m kidding; we hate it. But the cool thing is, we found a bunch of pieces that we totally forgot to list on the site. The offerings are kind of random, but most of them are from a batch of pieces we made for a photo/video shoot Kelley and I did a few months back. 

The shoot marked a direction change for us and a more mature step into the world of content creation. We actually bought lighting equipment and everything, y’all (you should see how we used to do it). It took us nearly a day to get everything filmed, photographed, and edited, but we had a lot of fun doing it. Seriously, check out the reel we posted to our Instagram (and see if you can catch the part where I dance and annoy Kelley). 

Some of these pieces are sports team themed, so if that’s your thing and you spot your team’s colors, grab it, because they are IN STOCK and ready to ROCK. 

Okay, I’m gonna wrap this up before I come up with a worse zinger than that last one.

Thanks for putting up with me. Hope y’all are having a wonderful week. 

-Kris & Kelley


Like many great discoveries in history—chocolate chip cookies, Post-it notes, the Slinky—Kris and Kelley Denby came up with their popular Texas wall hangings almost by accident.
In 2013—about a year into their sputtering business of repurposing furniture, called Hemlock & Heather—the Denbys decided to make and donate something to a silent auction that would benefit the victims of the fertilizer plant explosion in the town of West. Kelley, who is from West, asked her husband to build something “Texasy.”
So Kris came up with a colorful wall hanging made entirely from reclaimed wood and in the iconic shape of Texas. It sold for $150. 
“People just went crazy for it,” recalls Kelley. “We were like, Maybe we’re on to something.”

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